GPRC Management System

An integrated system to enable companies to manage and automate the governance, performance, risk and compliance (GPRC) processes. Quality management components and institutional framework assessment such as the organizational excellence framework, process maturity assessment, project and program maturity assessment, personnel evaluation, and support task follow-up processes can be added. The system contains four basic components integrated with each other to work in an integrated manner to achieve institutional excellence: the corporate governance system, the institutional performance, the risk management system, and the compliance management system, each of which has its own independent but internally linked processes and procedures to give outputs in an interactive and accurate manner.

System characteristics

  • Corporate Governance

    GRC system supports institutional excellence processes from strategy and institutional performance management, design and development of services, processes, administrative structures, quality management and policy management, and documentation includes: strategy – services and procedures – organizational and functional structures – stakeholders – locations – the institution’s dictionary – documents – automated work applications.

  • A web system based on the balanced scorecard methodology, which allows you to follow up the implementation of strategic and operational plans and manage performance at all levels of the organization in terms of individuals and job roles by following up the status of implementation of these plans and linking them to all elements in terms of dimensions, axes, objectives and indicators, the system also contributes to automating strategic plans and linking them to initiatives (portfolios, programs and projects) through live strategic maps and visual presentations.

  • The system builds an organization’s risk register by identifying, assessing, and monitoring threats to the organization’s capital and profits, and initiating the development of strategies to manage the potential risks and risks that have already occurred.

  • The system defines the correction tasks and follows up on the implementation of each task by assigned people, so that compliance becomes sustainable by including it in the culture of the work units and the behavior and attitude of the people working in the organization, while maintaining its independence. It is preferable to integrate compliance management with the processes, requirements and operational procedures of other departments of the organization.


Benefits of GRC System

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